<% set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rs.open "select id,parentid,clmname,istitlepic,titlepic,typeid,index_stype,linkURL,Atarget from "&tbname&"_Channel where id<>9 and indexshow=true and indexwz=2 and isflag=true order by index_sort asc",conn,1,1 do while not rs.eof '首页单页栏目 if rs("typeid")=1 then if rs("id")=13 then %> <% else %> <% end if end if '首页新闻栏目 if rs("typeid")=2 then '新闻显示样式 普通 if rs("index_stype")=1 then %> <% end if '新闻显示样式 特殊 if rs("index_stype")=2 then set rsxw=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rsxw.open "select id,parentid,typeid,clmname,istitlepic,titlepic,linkURL,Atarget from "&tbname&"_Channel where parentid="&rs("id")&" and index_stype=2 and isflag=true order by index_sort asc",conn,1,1 if not rsxw.eof then snum=rsxw.recordcount %> <% end if end if rsxw.close:set rsxw=nothing end if end if '首页图片栏目 if rs("typeid")=3 then %> <% end if '首页产品栏目 if rs("typeid")=4 then %> <% end if '友情链接 if rs("typeid")=6 then %> <% end if '幻灯栏目 if rs("typeid")=9 then %> <% end if rs.movenext loop rs.close:set rs=nothing %>
<%if rs("istitlepic")=true then %> " /> <% else response.Write(rs("clmname")) end if%>
<%call Show_index_dy(rs("id"))%>
<%if rs("istitlepic")=true then %> " /> <% else response.Write(rs("clmname")) end if%>
" target="<%=rs("Atarget")%>">
<%call Show_index_dy(rs("id"))%>
<%if rs("istitlepic")=true then %> " /> <% else response.Write(rs("clmname")) end if%>
" target="<%=rs("Atarget")%>">
<%call Show_index_xw(rs("id"))%>
<% if snum>1 then if snum mod 2 = 0 then temis=false temnum=snum else temis=true temnum=snum-1 end if for xi=1 to temnum %> <%if xi mod 2 = 0 then %> <%else%> <%end if rsxw.movenext next %> <% if temis=true then %> <%end if%>
<%if rsxw("istitlepic")=true then %> " /> <% else response.Write(rsxw("clmname")) end if%>
" target="<%=rs("Atarget")%>">
<%call Show_index_xw(rsxw("id"))%>
<%if rsxw("istitlepic")=true then %> " /> <% else response.Write(rsxw("clmname")) end if%>
" target="<%=rs("Atarget")%>">
<%call Show_index_xw(rsxw("id"))%>
<%if rs("istitlepic")=true then %> " /> <% else response.Write(rs("clmname")) end if%>
" target="<%=rs("Atarget")%>">
<%call Show_index_tp(rs("id"))%>
<%if rs("istitlepic")=true then %> " /> <% else response.Write(rs("clmname")) end if%>
" target="<%=rs("Atarget")%>">
<%call Show_index_cp(rs("id"))%>
<%if rs("istitlepic")=true then %> " /> <% else response.Write(rs("clmname")) end if%>
<%call Show_Links()%>
<%if rs("istitlepic")=true then %> " /> <% else response.Write(rs("clmname")) end if%>
<%call Show_huandeng()%>